IMPROV AT WORK: The Top 3 business-improvisation Questions of the Week

Q: How do I ask my boss for a raise?

A: Well, this is a full workshop, but the guiding concepts that will help you ask your boss for a raise is 1. Listen to your him/herÖ REALLY listen, rather than succumbing to the desire to close your ears and push your own agenda.

Q: I don’t get along with a guy that I work with, but my boss has put me on a project with him, and expects us to work together on a deadline driven project. How am I supposed to do this when we don’t see things eye to eye?

A: Rather than allowing your emotions to control you and eventually trump and sabotage the greater good (the project being a success and you keeping your job!), see if you can raise the bar.. the other person may have a different way of doing things, and they may be just as smart as you! Your value to your boss may come from being able to be effective with challenging people. Listen, adapt, loosen your grip on how YOU think it should go.. IMPROVISE!!  

Q: How can I show my employees that I am listening to them?

A: Communication is a huge issue. Many people feel they need to protect their reputation, or create their legacy, and this causes selfish behavior. Improv is helping by causing everybody to stop and listen to each other. How can individuals or businesses get more information about your workshops?  

If YOU have a questions, feel free to write me at, or, just stop by and say hi at Heck, you can even give me a call at 206-437-9455! That’s how super-approachable I am.

~Julian Schrenzel Chief Spontaneity Officer

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